While living in Greenwood Matthew and I have tried to make a habit of hanging out with younger couples at least once a week. This all started with the intention of forming a small group or Bible study, but it turned into more of a fellowship opportunity that has blessed us beyond belief with new friendships.
Soooo once a week we get together for a little food and fellowship, and once a week Matthew asks me the dreaded question: "What are we bringing to eat?" ...... You notice he says "WE". As in both of us. Which to him means "You come up with the idea, establish the necessary ingredients, whip it together, and I will buy the stuff". <---That's his intention. But that's not how it usually goes.
I usually suggest something in the frozen food isle... like Bagel Bites. Yes, Bagel Bites (don't judge). And one time we did indeed bring Bagel Bites, and they were a HUGE hit (obvi). But for some strange reason I was prepared this week (thank you Pinterest) and actually had a recipe in mind before the 5:15 designated grocery-shopping-time rolled around.
And here we are!!!! I present to you the easiest and quite possibly the yummiest appetizer EVER:
Hot Caprese Dip from What's Gabby Cooking
If it looks like mine is kind of swimming in Olive Oil...that's because it is (isn't that stuff supposed to be pretty good for you anyways?? YOLO). I got kind of worried that it wouldn't be soft enough to be a dip and threw some O.O. on top not thinking about all the juice that would come from the tomatoes once they heated up.
The suggested "Twistos Baked Snacks" could not be found in the Greenwood grocery store. Weird. So I settled for some bagel chips and they were the bomb. Betty Freaking Crocker ya'll.
Our sweet friends have learned all about my love for kitties and brought back this gem from the beach just for me:
And in case you were wondering...coffee does indeed taste better out of a cat mug.
T-minus 2 days until I am off to DC! In light of my upcoming travels and Scandal obsession I will leave you with some wise words from Olivia Pope. Enjoy your Wednesday!
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