And so it begins.

It's Tuesday. At 2:30. And like I have every afternoon for the past week at work, I am sitting here trying to think of what I have done that is actually work related. Because it seems my brain is going through a rotation where every 3rd thing to cross my mind is wedding related. The madness is HERE people!
Here are just a few of the millions of thoughts rotating through my mind...

Where will we get married?
Heck, WHEN will we get married?!
Who are we going to invite?
Is that dress ugly?
Will the kitties like sharing a bed with Matthew?
How many people in the wedding party?
Who exactly will those people be?
Do you think people will come?
Will that dress look good on me?
Is Matthew going to like that dress?
Where are we going to live?
Are these Oreos on the wedding diet?
...just to name a few.

It has barely been a week and I'm surprised Pinterest hasn't locked me out for excessive pinning activity.

During one of my (many) frantic moments this week I was playing 20 questions with one of my best friends, Allison, (a recent bride who also knows a thing or 12 about event planning) and she gave me the best advice: enjoy being engaged. And I have clung to it so far! So in the midst of all this madness, I am going to make a conscious effort to enjoy life as an engaged couple with Matthew and hope that we don't kill each other enjoy this process!

DC and....

What a wonderful week it has been and it's only Tuesday! My weekend was full of so many exciting things, I don't even know where to begin! Hang with me until the end, because I don't want to leave anything out.

Friday I FINALLY arrived in DC around 10:00 pm after a loooong day of waiting around at the airport. I was so happy to be back in DC reunite with my Keelz. We checked into the hotel, went to a great 24 hr diner, and eventually went to bed around 2:00 am. We woke up early on Saturday to eat breakfast and prepare for a day of adventures. Kaeley suggested we Metro over to Eastern Market and check out all the local vendors that fill the area on Saturdays. From there she took me to the sewer hole apartment she lives in and all I can say is WOW. I don't know how she does it. Then, we walked to the Capitol and she gave me a little tour of her building and told me all about her internships - I'm so amazed!

We joined a friend for a late lunch at Ted's Bulletin and it was to.die.for!!! I ate SO much that I skipped out on dinner. It was THAT good. After lunch we visited with more of her DC friends and eventually made our way to see Fitz and The White House. We headed back to the hotel (just in time for happy hour) to change and get ready to go celebrate a birthday in Georgetown. There are always so many things I want to do in DC and never enough time. Such a shame.

Sunday morning came and I was off to the airport. Little did I know...all the flights to Atlanta (from where I would then fly to Jackson) were VERY full. I sat in the DC airport from 9:00 am until 7:00 pm when I miraculously found a seat on a flight to Memphis. It was a loooong day full of misery, boredom, stress, and carbs that I didn't need to consume after all the bad eating I did Saturday. Matthew HATES when I fly because of all the uncertainty, so I knew he would be more than willing to drive to Memphis and pick me up if it meant that I would get home sooner.

I made it off the plane and Matthew greeted me at baggage claim. I was so relieved just to be back in the Central timezone. We headed to the car and just as I was getting in Matthew said he was having trouble with my bag (I too had issues with my bag earlier in the day so I knew how to fix it). When I came around the back of the car he was down on one knee, pulled out a ring and said: 
"So are you going to marry me, or what?" 

WE'RE ENGAGED! I am marrying the sweetest boy in the world whom I love with my whole heart, and I could not be happier! It still hasn't sunk in completely but there's plenty of time for that!


There are so many things I am loving these days that I decided to share them with a "Friday Favorites" post of my own!

Statement Earrings
At the beginning of the summer I was DYING for some Kendra Scott earrings. So naturally I browsed the web daily for the best deal, signed up for the Kendra Scott emails (for the coupons), came SO close to making an online purchase and THEN...I realized I could find them in here in Greenwood...of all places. Meaning I could actually see them in person, not pay for shipping, and have them in my hot little hands pronto. I purchased the turquoise pair for myself because I love how the color pops, and intended on the pearl-ish color to be my next purchase until Matthew's sweet Mom gave the to me for my birthday! Score.  The silver earrings in the middle were a birthday gift from my sisters because she knows I love anything and everything that sparkles.
1. Elle Earrings in White Pearl : I love these because they can be a classy dainty earring...or a statement earring. And the white literally goes with everything. Sometimes I wear these so much I feel like I'm abandoning my turquoise pair.
2. Emily Maynard Taylor Earrings : Remember cute little blonde Emily from the Bachelor/Bachelorette?? Well she has her own jewelry line with Towne and Reese and I want everything! She has different sales all the time so it would definitely be worth your while to check it out!
3. Danielle Earrings Turquoise and Gold : These look like they are really heavy but they aren't at all. The lines you see running through the stone are really not that prominent, but still make the stone appear very natural. And the color. So.much.sass!

Dixie Chicks Pandora
Literally so on point It's amazing what a little "Earl had to die" can do for your mentality around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Not to mention the Miranda Lambert, Shania (yes, we are on a first name basis), Carrie Underwood, and other Country Music Divas that come on do not suck! Just do yourself a favor and stream this through your speakers for a little while. You won't regret it. 

I'm off to DC for the weekend to handle stuff with Olivia Pope! Be prepared for lots of pictures!

Happy 1 Year + 1 month!

I technically couldn't celebrate my actual one year anniversary of living in Greenwood because this blog didn't exist then. BUT...we can celebrate One Year and One Month!! Yay!! *snaps for me*
I have so much to be thankful for so let me just ramble off a few things that the Lord has blessed me with because he doesn't always get the recognition he deserves:


1. A FABULOUS apartment that I found almost immediately and is entirely too nice for me to be living in

2. Experiencing/surviving my first job layoff
3. So many friendly people who reached out and were quick to offer me work after a layoff with their brother/grandma/cousin/ex wife's aunt (you get the picture)
4. New found appreciation for small towns and the low cost of living
5. Learning to live without a microwave (my apartment didn't come with one and quite frankly I haven't needed it and saved money on all those pointless "possible microwave meal options" that you never end up eating ie: easymac, ramen noodles, canned soup, empty carbs etc.)
6. Meeting new people who share my struggles of living in a small town where people know everything about you before you even meet (one time someone thought I was the girl who was engaged Matthew's brother wrong again)
7. Supportive family who loves me unconditionally and listens to me whine on the phone when things aren't going my way
8. Receiving mail in my box... whether it's save the dates, cards, invitations, or packages - it reminds me that people have not forgotten about me!!!
9. Running in the Delta because it is completely flat and I feel like less of a heffer when I'm not running up hills
10. The two BEST roommates I've EVER had!!! I love you my kitty friends @Olive @Cricket!

I could keep going but let's just end it with cat pics and call it a day.

Speaking of mail...this little baby arrived yesterday which means two things:
1. It's almost August (aka new planner time)  and  2. I've officially betrayed my girl Erin Condren and moved on to a May Designs planner.  It's cheaper, thinner, monogrammed, and did I mention cheaper???
 May Book for the win! #MayDesigns

Pinterest Recipe Adventures

While living in Greenwood Matthew and I have tried to make a habit of hanging out with younger couples at least once a week. This all started with the intention of forming a small group or Bible study, but it turned into more of a fellowship opportunity that has blessed us beyond belief with new friendships. 

Soooo once a week we get together for a little food and fellowship, and once a week Matthew asks me the dreaded question: "What are we bringing to eat?" ...... You notice he says "WE". As in both of us. Which to him means "You come up with the idea, establish the necessary ingredients, whip it together, and I will buy the stuff".  <---That's his intention. But that's not how it usually goes.

I usually suggest something in the frozen food isle... like Bagel Bites. Yes, Bagel Bites (don't judge). And one time we did indeed bring Bagel Bites, and they were a HUGE hit (obvi). But for some strange reason I was prepared this week (thank you Pinterest) and actually had a recipe in mind before the 5:15 designated grocery-shopping-time rolled around.

And here we are!!!! I present to you the easiest and quite possibly the yummiest appetizer EVER:

Hot Caprese Dip from What's Gabby Cooking

If it looks like mine is kind of swimming in Olive Oil...that's because it is (isn't that stuff supposed to be pretty good for you anyways?? YOLO). I got kind of worried that it wouldn't be soft enough to be a dip and threw some O.O. on top not thinking about all the juice that would come from the tomatoes once they heated up. 

The suggested "Twistos Baked Snacks" could not be found in the Greenwood grocery store. Weird. So I settled for some bagel chips and they were the bomb. Betty Freaking Crocker ya'll.

Our sweet friends have learned all about my love for kitties and brought back this gem from the beach just for me: 

And in case you were does indeed taste better out of a cat mug.

T-minus 2 days until I am off to DC! In light of my upcoming travels and Scandal obsession I will leave you with some wise words from Olivia Pope. Enjoy your Wednesday!

Bookcase Envy

Ohh Monday. You always welcome me with open arms. NOT.
It was so hard coming back from the lake yesterday. I mean with this view...can you blame me?!

The Barnes clan (minus a few) reunited for a weekend full of relaxing, swimming, tubing, sunning, and fishing. Yes. FISHING. Fun fact: I actually really enjoy fishing. Back in the spring I would spend hours in silence, by myself, reeling in monsters, while Matthew was turkey hunting. Very therapeutic.

I showed off my skills with my Dad Saturday morning and it was a BLAST! 

Question: Did you happen to see the moon Saturday night? Gorgeous. Especially reflecting on the lake.

Okay so real talk. One of the great things about seeing my parents 2 weekends in a row is the fact that they can bring me things from home. Sadly, Greenwood, MS is not overflowing with what I like to call amenities. AKA: chick-fil-a, Target, TJ Maxx....and other necessities for life. Which means I usually have my parents get things at home and bring them/keep them for me for when we do get to reunite. 

Something I have been DYING for that my mom offered to purchase and bring to me is a bookcase for my apartment. But the longer I scanned Craigslist for a "fixer-upper" in Atlanta, I realized that what I REALLY have my heart set on is the beauty that resides in Olivia Pope's living room on Scandal. 

I found a solid visual while perusing Pinterest thanks to this behind the scenes picture of the Scandal set that you can find here. (sidenote: there are numerous "Olivia Pope apartment" pinterest boards that you might want to check out if you share my love for Scandal). After much online searching I finally found a budget friendly version of my own at Home Depot, and my brother was kind enough to pick up and lug this 80 pound box to the lake for me!  

A solid 45 minutes of assembly time later...It has surpassed all my hopes and dreams!!!!!!!  

Still working on decorating. Don't judge. And who knew it would double as a kitty cat jungle gym?!

Speaking of Olivia Pope.. I'm going to DC Friday to see one of my besties Kaeley and I LITERALLY can't wait! Let's hope this week flies by!

Welcome to the Weekend

HELLO FRIDAY! I think this week kind of flew by. And I'm not complaining.

I spent my entire Thursday thinking/dreaming about our Mexican dinner date with friend's and drooling over the thought of a margarita. After a 3.5 mile run around Greenwood, I was more than ready for that little baby. I'm not one to crave alcoholic beverages...but boy did that marg hit the spot.

Funny story: the last time Matthew and I had margaritas he was convinced he got roofied and proceeded to  order 2 dessert pizzas (which we hammered into oblivion). I guess he didn't build up his tolerance bond over pitchers of margaritas with his friends in college like I did. Bless him.

Once 5 o'clock rolls around I'm headed back to good ol' Lake Wedowee for a weekend full of sunshine, water activities, and family time! What more do you need?!

I'm a Newbie

So I'm fairly new at the blog thing (obvi with this only being my second post), but that doesn't mean I don't read a heck of a lot of blogs! Because I have read so many blogs, I pretty much know exactly what I WANT my blog to look like (meaning it's definitely not there yet) and I am trying to add these features myself.

With that said, I have been googling every blogger "how-to add..." you can imagine and boy have I learned a few things. The first time I ever used Photoshop at work, my anxiety was through the roof and I almost had a panic attack. I mean, who knew it would be so hard to change the color of an object?! Thankfully, there is a YouTube video tutorial for just about everything, and to that I credit my basic Photoshop knowledge. 

During the past couple of days I have utilized my novice Photoshop skills and created my own social media icons AND linked them to my account with the help from countless blogs and websites. Check it out for yourself over to the right! --->

Yes, it took me hours and lots of trial and error, but I would have never learned how to do it if I didn't do it myself. So please bear with me as I continue this learning process and exercise my creativity with this blog. Maybe things will get a little more visually appealing! 

You know how Teresa Guidice from RHWNJ says that quote in the intro about "all I do is love love love"....? Well that's how I feel after my little "learning" rant above.

Hello Blogosphere!

I can't believe I finally bit the bullet and joined the blog world! I've had this domain claimed for about 2 weeks but my commitment issues kept me from deciding on a template. But here we are!

I have a SERIOUS case of the Mondays. Especially after a long 4th of July weekend at the lake with my family and friends. I couldn't bring myself to wear full on make up, so I settled for some BB cream and minimal mascara to feel like I was still on vacation.

Sadly, that's the only picture I have from this weekend...other than a million other pictures of my brother's new kitten that I'm mildly obsessed with.

Make the most of your Monday!
