5:30 AM

Olive and her new favorite bed buddy. I've been snubbed.

I'm really feeling this early morning blog post. Probably because I've been up since 5:30 AM!!

Side note: now playing: "World Spins Madly On" by the Weeples. For those of you living under a rock, this is the song playing after Ellie dies and P. Sawyer takes Ellie's (her Mom) ashes to the field where she describes her happiest moment hearing "Here Come's the Regulars". (reminisce with me here) Talk about an early morning One Tree Hill GUT WRENCHING memory courtesy of Amazon Prime Music.

Back to my early morning. I've set my alarm for 5:30 three times this week intending to get up and run, but it never actually happened until today. *snaps for me*. Matthew gets up to run that early frequently so I figured I'd join in. Even though I didn't actually make it out of the bed until 5:45, I still got up and knocked out some early morning exercise. Which was much needed considering the 4 cookies and 2 pieces of cake I had yesterday. No...I didn't stutter.

Matthew's Grandparents, Aunt & Unlce, and their triplets AND twins (yet again..not a typo) are in town and insisted on celebrating my birthday (a week early) while they are here. I got 2 pieces of cake out of it in addition to the leftovers so I can't complain. #notmadaboutit

My coworker and I have decided to try and drink a gallon of water everyday. It's kind of a good thing to do together because every time I hear her chugging, I pick up my water and start to guzzle. It's also a good thing the bathroom is right outside our office.

Despite my high sugar intake, I am trying to counteract the potential diabetes development with water intake and exercise!


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