I'm kind of hesitant to even post about this because I'm superstitious and didn't post anything after last week's big win but...


Like is this real life?? Am I dreaming?? Are you SURE I'm seeing straight?? Well according to the AP polls this week I am not dreaming.

Dan tho. How can you not love him?
I think I'm still hoarse from all the screaming. The best part about back-to-back game weekends in Starkville is not just winning, but being able to visit and celebrate with all my friends. We are quite the normal group.


Meanwhile...back in the real world...I'm still planning this little thing called a WEDDING. Let's pray that I have my Save-the-Dates printed by the end of the week. That way I can spend my weekend addressing them. Lucky me! 

Oh, and did I mention we bought a house?! YES. A HOUSE. As in a structure for Matthew and I to cohabit TOGETHER (with the kitties of course!). So let's add moving and furnishing a home to my to-do list. Nbd. Pictures to come once the house is officially ours!!!


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