Praise da Lort!

This pretty much sums up how I'm feeling today. Thank you, Madea.

I have 4 of my very best friends (who are also my bridesmaids) coming to visit for the weekend and I could not be more excited! We are doing a cooking class tomorrow in hopes that we can learn a thing or two about the kitchen.

Who am I kidding...we are doing this to EAT! Needless to say, we aren't a very domestic group.

So remember that little thing I mentioned the other day about a house??? Well we are officially HOMEOWNERS!!!!!! I don't think it has officially hit me yet, but I'm sure it will soon considering I have to be out of my apartment in a week. Oh and those save-the-dates I thought would be printed last week? Didn't happen. BUT I am picking them up today. Say a little prayer for my sanity please.


I'm kind of hesitant to even post about this because I'm superstitious and didn't post anything after last week's big win but...


Like is this real life?? Am I dreaming?? Are you SURE I'm seeing straight?? Well according to the AP polls this week I am not dreaming.

Dan tho. How can you not love him?
I think I'm still hoarse from all the screaming. The best part about back-to-back game weekends in Starkville is not just winning, but being able to visit and celebrate with all my friends. We are quite the normal group.


Meanwhile...back in the real world...I'm still planning this little thing called a WEDDING. Let's pray that I have my Save-the-Dates printed by the end of the week. That way I can spend my weekend addressing them. Lucky me! 

Oh, and did I mention we bought a house?! YES. A HOUSE. As in a structure for Matthew and I to cohabit TOGETHER (with the kitties of course!). So let's add moving and furnishing a home to my to-do list. Nbd. Pictures to come once the house is officially ours!!!

New Energy

Not many people know this, but I just finished up the Advocare 24 Day Challenge. I was VERY skeptical about the whole Advocare program to begin with because I thought it was just another fad. One of my good friends here in Greenwood is an Advocare distributor full time and answered any and every question I had. So after much contemplation and coming to the realization that I needed a little shove push to get wedding-body-ready, I decided to DO IT. 


It was great. Would I do it again? FABsolutely. It was a little pricey but definitely worth the investment. I loved waking up everyday knowing exactly what I would eat for breakfast (protein shake) and head into work feeling energized without drinking coffee (OMG...I know). The best part - I wasn't experiencing my usual 2:30 slump. Now that the cleanse is over, I am out of my products and missing them GREATLY. If I didn't just have to pay an arm and a leg for a hospital bill I would definitely be buying more.

Just to clear this main purpose of doing the challenge was to have more energy to exercise after work, and complete any necessary wedding planning. NOT to lose weight. BUT...I'm not hating fitting comfortably into my work pants either :)

This weekend is Bulldog Bash in Starkville and I.CAN'T.WAIT. There are still SOOO many friends that I haven't seen since I've been engaged (206 days till the wedding btw) and it is going to be a big ole dysfunctional reunion!

Can't wait to see these broads!

I am way overdue for some laughter, pretty weather, and tailgating. Now if I can only figure out how to suppress my excitement and make it through work tomorrow and Friday....HAIL STATE!!!