22 Days

I hate that I keep going so long between blog posts, but I'm going to continue using the "I've been a little busy planning a wedding" excuse. At least for the next 22 days.

YES. 22 DAYS! I'm trying to avoid a mental breakdown just typing that number.

Matthew always asks "what can I do to help?" which is always nice to hear, but the truth is there are about a thousand little things to do and I'm just going to have to handle it myself. My inner control freak is starting to show a little...

I'm so excited for Easter weekend! This is the first weekend in about a month that Matthew and I will both be in town and I'm looking forward to some much needed relaxation time. Last weekend I spent my Saturday in Starkville visiting with my favorite family, eating, and shopping for candles with my friend Saige Paige. Nothing gets me excited like the Aspen Bay Tent Sale. When I went in the fall I bought 22 candles. But did I mention that they were all on sale at an irresistible price?!

Anyways. This year I went on the 3rd and final day and the selection was slim to none. BUT - everything was $2 so of course I bought 15! #Ihaveissues. Come to find out, the next day at church when I shared my candle sale findings with a friend who previously worked at Aspen Bay, she told me that the candles I purchased retail for $70!!!!! Yes. That was not a typo. I'm still on a high from that one.

The Santal Candles are so fragrant and I LOVE it! The perfect summer-time scent.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter weekend! 
"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay" - Matthew 28:6


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