Happy New Year!

My mood today = #depressed to be back at work. BUT it's Friday, so I can't really complain.

What an absolute whirlwind my Christmas vacation was. I spent about a week at home in Atlanta and visited with friends and family. Not nearly long enough either. There's nothing like being home for Christmas. Here's a summary of what I've been up to...
Meeting our sweet niece for the first time - Carolina! And trying not to get baby fever.

 Wrapping presents like a BOSS (this nutcracker paper is one of my all time favorites. I snagged it during a trip to TJ Maxx and I'm so mad at myself for only getting one roll!)

Matthew FINALLY arriving at the Barnes house for Christmas #truemaroon

Matthew's feelings after 2 days with the Barnes family. (Thank goodness that beard is gone!)

Installing new appliances and using new tools from Santa to take apart, and put back together our "new" range. Good thing he does that for a living. I guess I better learn to enjoy cooking...

Lots and lots of kitty cat snuggles to keep warm during days off.
My New Year's resolution should be to step up my blog game. It's a good idea...but I'm not making any promises!


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