Happy Mail

One of my absolute favorite things in the world is walking into my apartment and finding MAIL in my box! Or the frequent occasional package that just sits there waiting for me to walk in and discover. Not that is the best! I have been so blessed by some sweet friends sending me mail over the past couple weeks. These little notes mean the world to me!

My best friend Elizabeth sent me the most WONDERFUL surprise in the mail - a box full of engagement happys! Including Champs! Because lez-be-honest. When is Champs not appropriate?!

In case you are living under a rock, (or just not in the South) these outrageous temperatures we have been experiencing are really starting to take a toll on me. A good day is one where my make-up hasn't completely melted off my face by 5 o'clock. Cue the permanent under-boob sweat and unforgivable thigh chaffing.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

In Sickness & in Health

I told myself I wasn't going to be one of those people with a blog...who doesn't blog. Because that is one of my absolute biggest pet peeves. I just want to say to those bloggers: "Ya know. I'm reading your blog for entertainment during this never ending work day, but since you never post, here I am bored and you are officially losing me as a reader!"

Last week I was sick with a stomach virus from the Devil himself. I was literally out of commission for the entire week and it was miserable. HUGE thanks to my sweet fiance for taking me to the doctor, emergency room, and letting me stay in his bed all week and infest him with my nasty germs. That's true love right there. But I'm baaaaaack! AND...


And a venue! So woo-hoo to us - may the wedding planning madness really begin!