Is everyone done with the Christmas shopping?? Everyone but me?!
I'm feeling seriously behind. I mean, I just officially finished decorating on Sunday...sheesh! I absolutely LOVE buying Christmas presents, but those males in my life consistently stump me.
I can ramble off a laundry list of things I want for Christmas at any given moment (#materialistic), but for some reason guys just aren't the same way. OR...if you're Matthew you give me a completely unrealistic suggestion: A 3D PRINTER! I'm sorry. What? Yeah. Not happening.
One of the reasons I LOVE Christmas presents is because I experience a legitimate HIGH when wrapping them. I love the paper! I love the tape! I love the ribbon! I love the bows! I love perfectly folded corners! And if you have my present in a bag....a BAG?! I'm judging you (Haley...).
I somehow always end up wrapping everyone's presents for each other because I enjoy it so much. This is usually how it goes: "Nooooo, Mom! Pleeeeease don't make me clean up the kitchen....I'll wrap presents instead??" DONE.
Below are some presents with lovely wrapping job, if I do say so myself. I will be striving for beauty with my wrapping this year. I will be sure to share some pictures of my masterpieces!