
Sitting at work. The day before Thanksgiving. When I should really be sitting at home in Atlanta. It's 9:30 but lez-be-honest...it might as well be 2 o'clock because I'm ready to roll out like Ludacris.

I'm still a little emotionally torn about not bringing the kitties home with me for the holidays, but Matthew promised he would visit them every day! And yes, we are spending Thanksgiving apart because I AM  going home BUT duck season opens Thanksgiving Day... no comment.

Can we just take a moment for a little TBW (throw-back-Wednesday)?? This time last year I was unemployed and spending my holiday in NYC for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Oh how things have changed in just a year!

waiting for the parade!
Thanksgiving dinner at Carmine's

So this happened yesterday...I broke down and bought the newest One Direction album. Those British boys sure sing some catchy tunes. This is what I have to look forward to during my 6 hour drive home today.


Things I'm thankful for:
There are new episodes of the Kardashians airing weekly
I'm finally getting a laundry room in our house
We can officially listen to Christmas music
I have 2 beautiful children (kitties) who love me

and most importantly...
I am so incredibly thankful for an awesome God who provides all the blessings in my life, including friends & family who bring me love, encouragement, and laughter everyday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Back at it

Desperately trying to get back on my blog game here. Does it sound bad if I say, "I've had better things to do with my time"? Well. I just did.

October completely flew by. Like drank a Red Bull, grew some wings, and took off before us. So after suffering in 80 degree heat throughout the month, November is here and slapping us in the face with cooler weather. And I don't hate it.

You know what else flew by? MOVING. I swear, one minute I was sitting in my apartment with 5 of my best friends talking about our drunken shenanigans from the night before, and the next thing I know my apartment is empty and I'm in a HOUSE.


I haven't quite accepted it yet. But I'll get there. Of course there are still boxes I have yet to completely unpack and I still can't remember where I have put everything, but that will come with time. Good news though - the kitty's new favorite thing is running from one end of the house to the other! Yay for plenty of room for activities!!!!!!

In the mean time, the 3 mini pumpkins I bought to "decorate" with have officially rotted, which means to me it's time to decorate for CHRISTMAS! Literally, Kim...I can't wait.

Here's just a few Christmas decorations I'm swooning over. Let's pray I can't find them online to purchase anywhere or else we will ALL be in trouble.