
As an avid Kardashian viewer and lover, I am extremely embarrassed to say that I JUST watched the #KUWTK season finale last night. I'm a slacker...I know. But literally Kim...it was so good! It actually made me really excited about planning my own wedding (minus the whole France and Italy aspect). Maybe even a little emotional too?? Few things make me emotional. But the Kardashians seem to always somehow do the trick. The simplicity, yet extreme attention to detail, turned out beautifully. I'm so envious!

**Shout-out to my fellow K-dash lover Paige Watson for always being there to discuss all things Kardashian with me**

I love how everything down to the last detail was planned perfectly and so classic.

Even North is so chic!

I made a quick trip down to Orange Beach for the weekend and spent some time with my Mom and Grandmother in the sun. To our own surprise...my Dad flew in on Saturday and provided plenty of wise words and entertainment.

I can't wait to see my family AGAIN this weekend. This will be the first time I've been home since we've been engaged and I know there will be lots of wedding planning items to check off my list. Wish me luck!

Morning Lull

I just hit my morning "lull" at work where I'm unmotivated to do anything productive and decided to browse all my usual blogs. Then, as if the blog gods were speaking to me, I had a moment of realization and told myself  "update your own freaking blog!" And here we are.

Over the weekend we moved out all the crap stuff in the Starkville house that Matthew's parents just sold. Kind of bittersweet considering that's where Matthew and I first met. Side note - Who is the sentimental person I've become?! Fortunately for me...any of the stuff Matthew wanted to keep was then transported into MYYYY apartment. Great. But really, I shouldn't be complaining because I gained another couch and a 55" TV in my bedroom. 

Last week we took engagement pictures and a midst my sweat stains and excessive mosquito swatting, I think they might have turned out half decent. In situations like this where I am anxiously awaiting an email with a link that will direct me to view all the pictures I have NO PATIENCE. I mean we took the pictures Thursday afternoon...so why wasn't there a link in my inbox at 8:00 AM the next morning? Is that asking too much?! Whatever. I'm over it. 

Please pray that I come across some patience today.